Report of a violation of MWA’s Anti-Harassment Policy
Mystery Writers of America is committed to preventing harassment, including sexual harassment, of members and guests or participants in MWA-related meetings or events held by MWA or its chapters, or any publishing event at which MWA members are present. Read the full policy here.
If you believe you have been subjected to harassment, we encourage you to submit a report to MWA’s Executive Director, Executive Vice President, or President by using the form below, or by printing and mailing a paper copy of the reporting form.
NOTE: Reports must be signed and may not be made anonymously, but will be held in confidence, in accordance with MWA’s anti-harassment policy. MWA will conduct an investigation, through our legal counsel. MWA may appoint a contact person to keep you informed; alternatively, you may contact or be contacted by the Executive Director, Executive Vice President, President, or legal counsel.